Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Do tell me you just dropped by...
got this from Marky's blog, and i don't mind admitting being a copycat away and let's surprise each other! =)
Compose a comment or just leave your name and:
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll pick a place we could spend a day with.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal/thing you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you
Sunday, January 27, 2008
not your ordinary kind of love story
i was jogging around the football field when i remembered Russel. he's some guy in my past, no it didn't really became an us but i did have fond memories of that boy. i'm reposting this blog post which i had three years ago. i'm really just hoping and praying that he is fine wherever he is now.
you were sitting then at dunkin donuts waiting for your friends. you had your hair grown long enough to be tied back looking neat.
i was standing outside waiting for my ride.
you smiled at me.
i hesitantly smiled back.
you called me in.
i did and we talked a while. i noticed you had with you Nicholas Spark's A Walk To Remember. i told you i loved the book and the movie and the soundtrack. you told me you have the cd soundtrack and the dvd too. we chitchatted for a while but i had to go so we exchanged numbers instead. we also agreed to see each other again once we get back to manila. that was december.
i felt thrilled a bit. after all you were a sorta crush from way back. we first met at a science camp in high school. you were in first year high. i was a senior. you were but a kid then.
i kinda forgot about it then. till i got a text message sometime in february. it was from you. you wanted us to meet but we were both too busy to agree on a good date.
but that valentine's day, we both talked about being text dates instead. even if we did not have to see each other that day at least we were able to keep track of each other at least through texts. i remembered not being able to reply to your messages and you reprimanded me for being a bad date. thus came night time, when work was done, i set all things down and texted with you till late night until we fell asleep. that has to be one of my most memorable valentines day.
we met only about a week later. twas kinda good to squeeze such moment in both our busy yuppie lives. and though i'm not really into horror films, you made me watch The Eye which did not really stop me from having a good time. the conversations, the closeness, the mere feeling of being with you was totally different. it was as if it was meant to be.
but maybe not. our work, our businesses were always between us. we would agree to see each other again but something would always come up.
you would tell me to meet up and i would wait and wait. but there wasn't a mere scent of you.
you would surprise me with a visit but you'd be surprised i was not home.
you would hastily ask me to see you after your football practice but i've already made prior engagements.
you told me i'm impatient. i told you you were plain unavailable.
a mere discussion turned into an ugly text war. and we were not even together yet.
i had to go on.
this girl has been scalded and scathed. the young girl's fantasies remained as such. it was time to get real.
you asked for us to start over. though hesitant i wanted to give it a chance too. i wanted to see if things will get better if we see each each other again.
we met again one holiday. and like the first time, we also watched a movie. but i enjoyed the movie more than being with you. it was after all nicholas cage's The National Treasure. i was grateful you took me to it. but not so much that i get to see you again. twas truly the end for us then as the end credits rolled.
i was kinda hoping that maybe, just maybe fate, will be sweeter for us again. i was looking forward to still seeing you around and learn great things about you. who knows.
There's no more chance of seeing him anywhere anymore. Apparently he took his own life reportedly after having broken up with his gf. Only God knows what the real reason could be. But it's such a waste. Such a sad, sad news. Dunno. Am still at a daze.
Friday, January 25, 2008
i know we all hate bein involved in rumors...but here's a few of 'em we'd love to talk about and i hope they are indeed true.
Rumored Concerts in the Philippines This 2008
1. Madonna
"I heard about the rumor that she’s coming just last December. With the Confessions Tour Album and also with the release of her eleventh studio album under Warner Bros. featuring collaborations with Timbaland, Pharell Wlliams and Justin Timberlake, it will also be perfect for this musical icon to come over here in Manila. As some says, this is still under negotiations but there are greater chances that it will push through. The concert is rumored to happen in July with Taguig Open fields or MOA Complex as venues."
2. Dave Matthews Band
"With an award and several nominations from Grammy, having sold over 31 million albums and included in the Top 100 Highest Selling Music Acts of all time, who will say it’s not worth for Dave Matthews band to do a concert here? Well, there are rumors that they will also do a concert here in September and it could be held at the Fort or MOA complex."
3. U2
"Aside from 170 million albums worldwide and being able to grab more Grammy awards as compared to other bands, the band is also known for addressing several issues such as poverty, disease, and social injustice. While keeping their traditioal sound and influences, U2 has been able to keep loyal fans while getting a new generation of fans worldwide. U2 is rumored to do a concert either at MOA complex or at the Fort this September."
oh well, i don't really care about all the other artists but the complete list can be found in here
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
for the past ten years, i've been drafting the timeline for our project. and yes, each year for the past 10 years this has been the timeline of my life as well.
i found myself lost in the flurries of promos, going out of town, meeting different people, conducting interviews, lugging tripods and videocams, climbing mountains, riding almost all sorts of vehicles from planes to bangka to habal-habal heck even horses! and we culminate it with a night of so called glamour as we strut in our best shoes and attire and enjoy the sights as our awardees are thrown into the limelight.
we rest a while and we start all over again.
well at least i am more able to plan out my activities. know where i could be at that time of the year, take control of my trips and side trips as well. and yeah, each thought of being able to go someplace again after a couple of months of staying at the office is indeed enough motivation to just hang on and relish each days of being kept indoors.
thus as i crawled on to each timeline, i never really noticed how ten years just passed me by. and though i've been ranting again and again about wanting to try working someplace else, i'd tend to forget about it as soon as i get into the motion of starting over again the cycle that is the project.
as i am drafting this year's timeline, i can't help but think how this draft has ruled my life for so long now. i've been guided by these little details that i fear i've lost sight of the grander thing i should actually be working for. what is the bigger picture that i really need to see? where do i want to really head on to? what am i really doing this for?
but is there really a bigger picture? a point for all of this that i need to figure out? or shall i just live each day, fulfill each task at hand, carry on one timeline and make sure that everything has been done on time, and according to what has been planned?
drat! all i really to think of now is hope for the project to kick off as soon as summer starts so i can have my own share of side trips to the beaches as we promote our search to people. to schedule the interviews in time for our city fiesta so i can go home again. reserve the cooler months for a Japan trip in case i will really be sent (wishful thinking!)...and so on and so forth! planning things as these are good enough stimulants, you know!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
virgin suicides

the lazy rainy sunday afternoon saw me pouring my heart out for this gorgeous young girls who instead of basking on the beauty that is life ended up killing themselves for some mysterious reasons.
narrated by some young boys who've grown to love and follow them around, i have learned to become fond of these boys as well. how they showed concern, how affected their lives have become to the point of collecting memorabilia and almost obsessing on these girls prove to be so endearing.
the mystery of why the girls committed suicide was never solved. but the way the story is told, the warmth of the scenes, the marvelous play of visuals and imagery make it all unforgettable.
So much has been said about the girls over the years. But we have never found an answer. It didn't matter in the end how old they had been, or that they were girls... but only that we had loved them... and that they hadn't heard us calling... still do not hear us calling them from out of those rooms... where they went to be alone for all time... and where we will never find the pieces to put them back together.
and oh, the dibidi copy which i got for only 60 bucks also includes the soundtrack which features songs as Magic Man by Heart, Alone Again (naturally by George O'Sullivan, I'm Not In Love by 10cc, among others.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
i remember posting this before 2006 ended and i'd like to check out now how my wishes fared...
1. 15,000 miles. i hope to accumulate at least that in my Mabuhay Miles to at least take me to Singapore or wherever. So far I have 12000 plus. Yey!
i now have almost 20,000 miles, thanks to my frequent trips via PAL. too bad Air Phil has stopped giving mileage points in lieue of cheaper fares daw hmpf! note that about 2000 points will expire this March so i'll have to use them soon. i don't have to use this for a Singapore trip as i'll have a free trip scheduled already, yey! but March is just too soon..hmm...
2. 4 + 1. being the wanderlust that i am i hope i could travel to 4 interesting spots around the country and at least one abroad. don't really care whether it's work related or Pex sabit. waah!
yeah! was able to visit camiguin, davao, bohol, bacolod, palawan, pagudpud, etc this year. no international trips though but i'll have Sing and KL by the end of January this year so not bad really.
3. 50K. with how much i earn and spend a month i wish to have this modest savings by the end of the year. i wish! i wish!
hahaha i'm afraid i failed miserably in the savings department. i've saved a bit but it went mostly to Xan's account. at least it's not in my atm account which i can just dip in to anytime.
4. 50% off. i've been maxing my credit cards left and right and the interests i pay every month are just outrageous. i really wish i could just throw them out the window or lock it out for good. sigh.
i'm no longer using 2 out of my 4 credit cards...should be a good improvement, right?
5. 100 lbs. i really wish to keep my weight down to at least a 100 lbs. am barely 5' it wouldn't look good if i become overweight. that would spell then a regular trip to the gym and not to the kitchen har-har.
hell yeah! i was 118 lbs. after giving birth to Xan but i'm just about 103-105 lbs now even after the holidays, i believe i could easily go back to at most a hundred soon. yey!
6. 100%. someday soon i just want to be a full time mom to my growing bebi Xan. who's really turning into a bebi no more. sniff.
awww, it's still going to be an LDR but i'd like to believe that Xan and I will do just fine. he still holds my hand as we sleep.
7. The One. hmmm...i don't know how to describe this. i'll just leave it to my Maker. Prays.
WOW! Yun lang.
and now i'm so looking forward to a much better 2008! yi-ha!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
loveable two
my Xan is turning two tomorrow. i've been keeping myself busy and nostalgic the past days by compiling his pics and going through it again. how he's grown so fast.
the entire family is as excited as i am too. though we are not really planning for an all out celebration we just want it as memorable and simple as ever. this kid is much loved and doted upon and it shows how bubbly and lovable he is with his endearing smile and loud laughs and shrieks. i don't think i could even bear referring to him as on his terrible twos.
though he has his moments when he would exert his weight around we somehow manage to sway him away from what he really wants unless its allowable enough. he could barely talk yet but he knows exactly how to boss you around by taking your hand and lead you to our cabinet where his goodies are stored when he is hungry. or take you to the tv stand where he gets to pick his Blue's Clues cd for us to plug on. or pick up your hands to let you clap right after he would sing and dance haha!
and it's almost always heartbreaking when he would let out that wild wail or just show some sad face when we won't give him what he wants. but somehow we know we would still have to control him whenever necessary. at least he recovers quite easily after handing him something else and soon he'd let out his toothy smile again. such bliss!
sigh. it's been two years of having him. two years of a semi long distance relationship too. but somehow i feel comforted that he is doing so well. his hugs and kisses will always be warm and welcoming, his charm all too familiar and sweet.
as always, i am grateful for my entire family. i never heard anything bad from them in having Xan. he's been a real blessing. our home has never been this all lit up. i have my entire posse with me in rearing up this child to the world. it is indeed one charmed life.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
a delayed reaction
it dawned on me a few moments ago that i am indeed in my thirties already.
surprise, surprise! haha!
30 flat was ok. besides i was about to give birth to Xan then so there really was not much to mope about.
31 was still ok. and i was excited seeing Xan turn 1 too.
but as Xan turns two and is no longer a baby, being 32 makes me feel that i am indeed falling deep into my 30s already. before i knew it i'll be nearing 40s soon waaah!
yeah, age is but a number. am not really that worried about it. it's what i've done and accomplished in my entire lifetime which makes me feel a bit small.
and i just read this from mec's blog a while ago that:'s really horrible to be thirty and not have confidence that you have much to offer the world.
i've always wanted to go back to school too. not that i want to have more certificates or diplomas. i guess i just want to feel forever smartie (lol!). i remembered having inquired both in admu and up for MA classes but my endless travels made me not pursue them anymore unless i am willing to get 2-3 subjects per semester and finish like forever, if i do finish at all.
being with people from the academe still intimidate me at times. and i do hate feeling bobo. i used to watch all the game shows i could lay my eyes on though lately i am finding it hard to answer even the easy questions in Janno Gibbs' Kakasa ka ba sa Grade 5. Drat!
oh well, i look at myself in the mirror and feel little wrinkles (wrinklets?) start creeping in. maybe i should finally be religious in applying those anti-aging cream my sister gave me. and these excess pounds i gained last holidays seem to be too comfy in packing up my butt already. and there's still that little jiggle on my tummy even when i don't feel like belly dancing. or maybe because i haven't really tried that new sneakers my bro gave me for kris kringle. but then it feels so cold to jog outside and my knees and joints are aching all over even before i started stretching up a bit. oh no, signs of aging!
waaah! i'm old, i feel old, i look old. and i'm even whining like some old lady already. darn it!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
tagalog translations
I'm still in a vacation mode and there's not much stress here really hehe...thus, there's not much i could blog about but mere memes...have fun
English movie titles and its Filipino
1. Black Hawk Down - Ibong
Maitim sa Ibaba
2. Million Dollar Baby - 50 Milyong
Pisong Sanggol (depende sa exchange
3. The Blair Witch Project - Ang
Proyekto ng Bruhang si Blair
4. Mary Poppins - Si Mariang May Putok
5. Snakes on a Plane - Nag-ahasan sa
6. The Postman Always Rings Twice - Ang
Kartero Kapag Dumutdot Laging Dalawang
7. Sum of All Fears - Takot Mo , Takot
Ko, Takot Nating Lahat
8. Swordfish - Talakitok
9. Pretty Woman - Ganda ng Lola Mo
10. Robin Hood, Men in Tights - Si
Hood at Ang Mga Felix Bakat
11. Four Weddings and a Funeral - Kahit
Apat na Beses ka Pang Magpakasal,
Mamamatay Ka Rin
12. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly -
Ako, Ikaw, Silang Lahat
13. Click - Isang Pindot Ka Lang
14. The Day of the Dead - Undas
15. Waterworld - Palaisdaan
16. There's Something About Mary - May
K'wan sa Ano ni Maria
17. Employee of the Month - Ang Sipsip
18. Resident Evil - Ang Biyenan
19. The Grudge - Lintik lang ang Walang
20. Nightmare Before Christmas -
Binangungot sa Noche Buena
21. Never Been Kissed - Pangit Kasi
22. Dude, Where's My Car - Dong, Anong
Level Ulit Tayo Nag-park?
23. Beauty and the Beast - Ang Asawa ko
at ang Nanay Nya
24. The Lord of the Rings - Ang Alahero
25. Die Hard - Hindi Mamatay-matay
26. Die Hard, With A Vengeance - Hindi
Na Mamatay-matay, Nag Higanti Pa
27. Lost In Space - Mga Tangang Naligaw
sa Kalawakan
28. Paycheck - Sweldo
29. Cinderella Man - Bading si
30. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory -
Nag-trabaho si Charlie sa Goya
31. Blade Runner - Magnanakaw ng Labaha
32. Schindler's List - Mga May Utang
33. Men In Black - Mga Lalaking
34. X-Men, The Last Stand - Mga Dating
Lalaki, Huling Tinayuan
35. Wedding Crashers - Mga Bwiset sa
36. The Day After Tomorrow - Sa
37. Three Men and a Baby - Ang Tatlong
38. Catch Me If You Can - Habulin
Mo 'Ko
39. A Bug's Life - Ang Buhay ng Isang
40. Die Another Day - Mamatay Ka Uli
41. The Rock - Ang pagkain ng baboy
42. Jaws - Panga
43. Back to the Future - Sa Likod ng
44. In the Line of Fire - Tumulay ka sa
Alambreng may Apoy
45. Saturday Night Fever - Sabado ng
Gabi, may Trangkaso
46. Stepmom - Tapakan si nanang
47. Brother Bear - Kuya Oso
48. Police Academy - Paaralan ng Mga
49. The English Patient - Ang
50. Man on Fire - Nasusunog na Mama
51. The Horse Whisperer - Ang Tsismoso
ng mga Kabayo
52. Dante's Peak - Ang Bumbunan ni
53. Legends of the Fall - Ang
ng mga Lampa
54. The Forgotten - Ewan ko di ko
Monday, January 07, 2008
terrible 32
Jan. 05: had a sort salubong with my sis, nephews and nieces at iliganon bar.
the following day we went out to lunch with the entire family.
back home we had dinner at home naman with Mama's pancit, humba, cake and ice cream (parang bata hehe)

i am forever grateful to my family and friends for making my day great ever. wala na ako sa kalendaryo, buti na lang may bingo pa haha!
special thanks to billy corgan for composing 33, at least i still have something greater to look forward to. yi-ha! =)
oh, before i went home i had my hair fixed again, kaya yan mukha na akong bading haha!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Xan and i are currently not feeling so well. blame it on our endless trips to the stores and eating and walking out in spite of the rains.
my mom says though that it must be lagnat laki as both our birthdays are soon coming up. she suggests we offer one buhay na manok to ward off sickness. duh!
i don't really worry much about it as at least i get to spend more quality time with Xan as we both stay and lie and roll over the bed all day long watching Blues Clues and Sesame Street till we both get to sleep.
quite a respite too as i get to stay off the table and ref and munch on whatever i could find there =)