around 10am mom brought me outside to take a bath al fresco which i love so much. yey!
after which my mom puts on my shirt and diapers but i'd be so likot she had to pin me down just to get done. and when i'm all done and fresh looking my mom looks all disheveled up and sweaty hehehe...
1030 i played with my cousins and they let me crawl all over the floor and even practice walking once again!
11am i got so tired from all the moving around that i fell asleep. zzzz...
12noon, of course i woke up at noon just in time for my favorite daily show Game Ka Na Ba. Mommy lets me sit on my chair in front of the tv and she can just leave me and do whatever she wants while i get hypnotized by Kris.
after which mom fed me my with my favorite cerelac and this time it's brown rice with milk variety. i can already eat anything but she still gives me this because she loves it for herself too. hehehe...
130pm...we were supposed to go to the grocery store but mom still wants to watch Survivor Cook Islands at 2pm so she let me play again and even eat a chocolate cookie!
230pm...i fell asleep while waiting for mom to finish the show. though i've already changed for our gala she set me on the bed and i snoozed again.
330pm...i woke up and we left for the grocery store. but mom stopped by the bank to pay her bills first and i entertained the tellers with my cute chubby smile bleh!
400pm...we're in the grocery picking up some goodies! hasn't eaten lunch yet so we all trooped to jollibee for some more yummy moments.
Jolly spag moment
700pm...we finally got home since my mom dropped by to ukay once again. i got home really tired and fell asleep on the ride home.
800pm... i woke up and get to drink my milk again. after which i played around and watched tv too.
930pm... mom gave me a warm bath to freshen up.
10pm...i slept once again. haay i'm such a sleepyhead.
1130pm...i woke up since my mom is still not beside me and i hear my kuya ian playing conquer on line again. i got up to watch.
they got annoyed because i want to click on the mouse and the keyboard and play too. so they placed me on my mat and i played with my toys instead.
and i showed them my new antics too!
around 130 i finally felt tired and climbed to bed with my mom there already. she gave me my milk and i tossed and turned while i suck on my milk till i finally fell asleep. good night, errr good morning world!
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