1. had the luxury of waking up late...yeah, sleep is such a heavenly thing for me to do. i love to sleep! and since i've "lived" here in the office i could not sleep till late anymore. so this weekend i took my time and woke up like past 12 heheh...
2. i later went to the salon and had my toe nails done. had it painted red. landi!!!!

3. later that afternoon i got to meet some new friends from pex singles' couch. met up with miss vb, my nick relative and had coffee at bo's. we had quite a chitchat as we waited for santo and naru to arrive. i have been reading this cutesy story at pex titled welcome to my life and is so touched by it that i brought them to meat shop, were one of the scenes actually took place. however, my images of it were shattered because, they have just transferred to a different location. and though it was but near, the service seemed to have gone back to a dry run. we waited for almost an hour for our food. we were hungry and we had to wait a long time even if we only asked for additional bowls or spoons. drat! our friend santo felt compensated for their incompetence though by taking home a bowl and a tissue holder. :p
4. that night, i was able to track down a long lost friend via friendster. i met gen like 9 years ago during a national writers workshop held in iligan. she hails from antique.we had crazy times. i remember vividly, us young girls then, lounging at the hotel rooftop singing along with tori amos, lost in the melodies and drift of her songs. gen considers us all as "old souls" don't exactly know what it means but i sense something really meaningful and beautiful about it. i'm set to meet her for coffee soon. yey!
5. i went to mass that sunday morning, my first in ages. i still felt peaceful and reflective in there. i've seen a few college friends and boy how i envied those who were with their families. i've always loved the sight of young ladies hugging their dads and every child kissing their parents while wishing them "peace". never fails to melt my heart.

6. after mass i went out of the campus to eat and later sought a net cafe where i hope to see Xan on webcam. unfortunately Xan was asleep, and they had trouble back home connecting to ym. darn it again.
7. i felt really frustrated i wanna kick myself hard. you see, i was hoping i'd get to go out with a friend that sunday. we were supposed to watch a movie. the prospect of being able to go out and see him again actually excited me. however, i didn't hear from him. no text, no nothing. i remembered praying hard that saturday night for just one text message. i don't care if it wasn't pushing through. i just wanted to know instead of waiting for forever. i just hate it so much when i expect. kaya nga i would always remind myself, as said in The Joy Luck Club, "never expect, only hope!". sometimes i wish i could not be that bratty anymore. twas glad though that i still have some ym friends. friends who quizzed me about it only to laugh at me and later comfort me. some friends huh! couldn't really blame them. i found it laughable too. oh well, the "date" never took place. and i might reprimand him about it the next day, or not. i dunno.
8. because of some much ill feelings, i opted to order food at mcdonald's and ended up bingeing on a big mac, large fries and strawberry float. yum!
oh well, i'll pray once more tonight that i'll have a more peaceful disposition for the week to come.
so how was your week?
Hmm, "friend" lang ba talaga yung #7? *wink wink*
ReplyDeleteMy week was the same old, same old :D but the weekend was great, will blog about it...
heheh better have "friends" only for now *wink-wink*
ReplyDelete...but weekends with annika is never same old. ;)