my idea of catching up really aside from sleeping all i can and holing up in my room is to go out and see what the mall is like once again.

and this is what i did yesterday, Monday. i've decided not to report to the office just yet since i felt like my weekend's rest wasn't enough, especially after two weeks of being in one city after another. and i wanted to spend my day paying my bills, watch a movie or two and check out what's new in the malls.
i watched Nights in Rodanthe first because i've always loved Nicholas Sparks. i went alone with a bunch of grannies among the audience and i was thinking what must be on their minds when some love scenes came out hehe...the night before i also got to see Bridges of Madison County on QTV 11 and the idea of some wife making out/ love with another man kinda bothered me a bit. i mean, these were women in their 40s-50s even and suddenly they found themselves desiring other men? hmmm...
as i sat there on the theater alone with just my hotdog sandwich, popcorn and coke i found myself thinking what i must be 20-30 years from now. will i find myself finally enjoying that stage which Erikson calls the generativity stage? will i have become the best mom to Xan and be able to take care of more kids and grandkids? will i still want other men, or men in general as well? LOL! or lo and behold, will i find myself stagnate, retreat in my own world as i get older?
i know i ought to keep myself from thinking too much.
well back to the movie, i find myself liking Diane Lane even more. wow, when i grow old i want to be like her haha!
like most of Spark's books, the movie had a bittersweet ending.
i was to meet my old friend Lala for dinner but it was still a bit early and i felt sad by the movie quite a bit that i decided to watch another movie, this time it was Quantum of Solace.
oh well, Daniel Craig isn't really guwapo but i've to say he's hot, hot, hot!!! i think he's a way cooler 007 than Pierce Brosnan.
i've no major complain about the movie, in fact i love how this film's Bond girl got her own's really kick-ass action scenes.
my major issue though is that i couldn't quite comprehend how an Alicia Keys' song got chosen as it's theme. hmpf!
they say there has to be some missing scene somewhere in the last part but i barely noticed it, have you?
i later met up with Lala for dinner. when you wanna keep grounded always keep in touch with old friends who know you 15 even 20 years hehe.

we went to Cafe Bola and yes, i had bola-bola for dinner.

i also got to try San Mig's premium beer and brought home the coaster as well hihihi.
yeah, i have to say i really had full and satisfying day.
just today, i learned that our Batanes trip for this weekend has been cancelled. imagine my relief when even after almost 30 minutes of being put on hold by Zest Airways trunkline (
thank greatness for speaker phones!) they told me that the flight has been cancelled. well. i've been losing sleep over it for days now especially because of this rainy weather and i didn't want to get stranded in that so far away land especially when i have our Macau-HK trip scheduled/fixed and relatively paid for already.
yup, i would love going to Batanes, i've always looked forward to going there but my skeds are just too close i couldn't really afford anymore bungles in it.
so the trip has been resked to January, by then, if we'd get stranded for a week then i won't really care since i don't have any more trips scheduled after it haha!
so here i am, home for the entire week and the weekend. i'm not going anywhere for now, yey! it can really be a nice feeling, eh.