a woman who was tending some store near the NBI booth told us that the place is actually chaotic in the mornings. lines would reach up to the streets and most people would become too grumpy.
being the non-morning person that i am, i always abhor very early morning queues especially when the offices are not even open yet. i don't get it. why do we need to wake up and line up at so early times when we can actually do it in the afternoon when most of the frenzied crowds are gone?
well anyway, i thank my parents for giving me a pretty unique name (pretty na unique pa hehehe) that i didn't have any trouble getting my clearance. yey! just please don't stare at the pic. the problem with these guys who take our pics for documents is that they don't even bother to let us project a bit hmpf! i look like a ghost awooo!
ibig sabihin lang niyan di ka pa nahuhuli