our accountant who joined us barely 2 years ago and who's actually flourishing in her job just told us she'll be leaving us soon after she got her US tourist visa.
it was a bit shocking for us as we knew about the interview appointment a few days before her schedule and a couple more days later we found out she actually got approved of a 10-year multiple entry visa along with her 4-year old daughter. she is however bent on going there and applying for a caregiver job and hopes to get proper documents along the way, hopefully.
much as we are all happy with her seemingly good fortune, especially since we all know how hard it is to apply for a US visa this days, we are a bit sad that she'll be leaving us. and actually scared of what might happen to her there.
ironically, our little organization has been dealing with caring for migrate workers as part of its apostolate services. my boss along with his staff has been travelling country after country seeking for all those documented and illegal OFWs alike for counseling and consultations or at least mere interactions. they are also into training would-be volunteer counselors who could help reach out to fellow Pinoys abroad.
although it is no longer my turf, i have also been exposed to these endeavors in our trips abroad. and i have heard just so many sob stories i could listen to in one sitting. i have learned and seen for myself that working abroad is never the ultimate heaven. yes, one would get enthralled at seeing how progressive these foreign countries are, and how efficient everything seems to be. but after a while, once you've finally soaked up the new atmosphere everything would just turn bleh and one can't help but miss the familiarity of home once more. of course, this is just me talking about a two-week at the most stay in some foreign land.
i have been presented with countless opportunities to try my luck out abroad but i've not been that enthusiastic about it. oh yeah, i've toyed with the idea of applying for a tourist visa and take odd jobs but i can never be a caregiver as i don't really care...nor can i be a waitress as i'm not so good with waiting
. hehe..seriously, i'm not the kind of person who could ever risk legalities if only for me to work for a "better" life.
and i believe it is also related with the fact that I have already been denied of a visa once when i was supposed to be sent for an area assignment. i am never good with rejections and i was ultimately pissed with how America has not given me entry to their country when i was supposed to be on a noble mission. no wonder people will just risk all they can, leave legalities at the door once they've been approved in spite of their shady plans. and terrorists still get to infiltrate them, how's that for "great" judgment eh...haha ang bitter!
disclaimer: of course, it still does not mean that i'm closing my doors for a US trip, after all it's still one of my dream destination at least before i get too old and arthritic to take on the cold.
it was a bit shocking for us as we knew about the interview appointment a few days before her schedule and a couple more days later we found out she actually got approved of a 10-year multiple entry visa along with her 4-year old daughter. she is however bent on going there and applying for a caregiver job and hopes to get proper documents along the way, hopefully.
much as we are all happy with her seemingly good fortune, especially since we all know how hard it is to apply for a US visa this days, we are a bit sad that she'll be leaving us. and actually scared of what might happen to her there.
ironically, our little organization has been dealing with caring for migrate workers as part of its apostolate services. my boss along with his staff has been travelling country after country seeking for all those documented and illegal OFWs alike for counseling and consultations or at least mere interactions. they are also into training would-be volunteer counselors who could help reach out to fellow Pinoys abroad.
although it is no longer my turf, i have also been exposed to these endeavors in our trips abroad. and i have heard just so many sob stories i could listen to in one sitting. i have learned and seen for myself that working abroad is never the ultimate heaven. yes, one would get enthralled at seeing how progressive these foreign countries are, and how efficient everything seems to be. but after a while, once you've finally soaked up the new atmosphere everything would just turn bleh and one can't help but miss the familiarity of home once more. of course, this is just me talking about a two-week at the most stay in some foreign land.
i have been presented with countless opportunities to try my luck out abroad but i've not been that enthusiastic about it. oh yeah, i've toyed with the idea of applying for a tourist visa and take odd jobs but i can never be a caregiver as i don't really care...nor can i be a waitress as i'm not so good with waiting
and i believe it is also related with the fact that I have already been denied of a visa once when i was supposed to be sent for an area assignment. i am never good with rejections and i was ultimately pissed with how America has not given me entry to their country when i was supposed to be on a noble mission. no wonder people will just risk all they can, leave legalities at the door once they've been approved in spite of their shady plans. and terrorists still get to infiltrate them, how's that for "great" judgment eh...haha ang bitter!
disclaimer: of course, it still does not mean that i'm closing my doors for a US trip, after all it's still one of my dream destination at least before i get too old and arthritic to take on the cold.
amidst all these talks, we are currently working on opening a new category for our awards project which we have now billed us brain gain or bayaning balik lingkod. recipients of this recognition will have to be professionals who have stayed and worked abroad for a significant period of time and has now chosen to come back to the country and offer their services for the local community development. i am still working on the qualifications and the specific criteria but generally they would have to have an identifiable skill and is currently involved in a noteworthy and outstanding project/s serving a good number of beneficiaries.
sigh. everything is still so vague. i'm still having quite a hard time particularly in quantifying and measuring the nobility of their coming back home for good. and i will still have to hook up with the right agencies for my data gathering and networking. so help me God, and dear readers of this blog.
sigh. everything is still so vague. i'm still having quite a hard time particularly in quantifying and measuring the nobility of their coming back home for good. and i will still have to hook up with the right agencies for my data gathering and networking. so help me God, and dear readers of this blog.
just a while ago, my boss approached me to tell me to try to talk some sense into our accountant and advise her to just file for a leave of absence, try her luck in the US for a few months and just come back if only to pave for a cleaner travel record. he told me he doesn't want to do it himself as he's been too tired trying to dissuade people from working illegally abroad which is what he's been doing for several decades now for his apostolate work. oh well, malalaki na sila, kaya na naman siguro nila mga sarili nila. 
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